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Top Blockchain Projects of 2022

By Augustine Mbam - November 03, 2022 - 5 Mins Read

Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity began as a play-to-earn (P2E) card game, slowly transforming into a metaverse. P2E game allows you to play games and earn money for them. The game's development can be categorized into three versions. Initially, it was a card game with little control over the in-game characters.

Its second version/era included more aspects from the blockchain and gaming perspectives. It made much better use of NFTs by having all in-game assets in that form, which could be bought/sold on the on-platform marketplace. It also included the Axie Infinity Shard (AXS), which acted as a governance token. A governance token enables people holding it to determine significant decisions about the platform’s future and development fairly and democratically.

The third version/era is the future. It began with the game being available for mobile phones for both iOS and Android, in the form of Axie Infinity Origin, and almost instantly became a hit and made a mark of its own.