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US to Introduce Basel Rule Revisions This Month

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By Oyedele Feranmi - - 5 Mins Read
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The U.S. Federal Reserve, alongside other regulators, is preparing to release major updates to the U.S. Basel rule revisions, expected as early as September 19.

These revisions are part of a broad effort to reshape U.S. financial regulations, focusing on how banks handle capital requirements. The changes come as regulators aim to improve the stability of financial institutions following lessons learned from the 2007-2009 global financial crisis.

The upcoming proposal, which could span up to 450 pages, will bring significant changes to capital rules. One of the most notable revisions involves lowering the capital banks must hold for certain business lines, such as wealth management and specific credit card operations.

This adjustment is intended to ease the burden on larger banks, allowing them to allocate less capital to areas that were previously seen as high-risk under earlier versions of the Basel rules. These changes reflect the regulators' response to calls from banks for a more balanced approach.

Another key feature of the US Basel rule revisions is a reduction in the market-risk requirements for the country’s largest lenders. Under the proposed changes, these institutions will face fewer restrictions around mortgages and tax-equity exposures.

This move is seen as a way to alleviate pressure on banks, particularly those involved in long-term investment strategies and lending services. By reducing the market-risk component, regulators aim to provide banks with more flexibility while still maintaining sufficient safeguards within the financial system.

Michael Barr, the Federal Reserve's vice chair, is expected to give a preview of these revisions during an event at the Hutchins Center on Fiscal & Monetary Policy. His explanation will offer insights into the next steps in implementing these revisions, which have been in development for several months.

These US Basel rule revisions are part of a larger ongoing effort to adapt U.S. financial regulations to modern banking practices, ensuring they remain robust without stifling growth.

The original Basel III rules were introduced in response to the global financial crisis, aiming to prevent future bank failures by increasing capital reserves. These rules required banks to hold more capital to cover potential losses, especially in riskier business areas.

However, since their introduction, larger U.S. banks have pushed back against the stringent requirements, arguing that the regulations hinder their ability to operate efficiently. As a result, regulators have been revisiting the Basel III guidelines, leading to these new proposed changes.

Earlier this year, in July 2023, the Federal Reserve, along with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, published the proposed revisions for public comment.

This step allowed for input from the banking industry, which has been vocal about its concerns over capital increases. The revised proposal is expected to address many of these concerns, potentially reducing the overall capital impact on larger banks.

While these updates to US financial regulations are designed to create a more balanced system, there are still questions about how effective they will be in maintaining financial stability. The banking industry, which initially opposed the stricter Basel III rules, has been advocating for a re-proposal that would lessen the burden on larger firms.

However, the final impact of these US Basel rule revisions remains to be seen, as regulators continue to fine-tune the balance between risk management and economic growth.

As the release date approaches, industry experts and market participants are keeping a close eye on the developments. These changes will likely have far-reaching implications for how U.S. banks operate, particularly in their approach to managing risk and capital.

With the introduction of these revised U.S. financial regulations, the banking sector could experience a significant shift, further shaping the future of the financial landscape in the country.

Final Remarks

The U.S. plans to introduce revisions to Basel rules this month, aiming to enhance financial stability by strengthening capital and risk management requirements for banks. These revisions will align U.S. regulations with global standards, improving resilience against economic shocks and ensuring more robust oversight of banking institutions in today's complex financial landscape.
