Donald Trump has announced the release of another Trump NFT card. On April 18th, the 45th former US president, Donald Trump, posted on his Truth Social where he announced that he would release the Series 2 of his NFT collection after the first release was hugely successful. One of the major contributors to the success of the Trump NFTs was his arrest which attracted a lot of users to the collection. In his Truth Social post, Donald Trump said, "I am pleased to inform you that, due to the great success of my previously launched DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, we are doing it again, SERIES 2, AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW. GO TO collecttrumpcards.com. Have fun!"
Series 2 of his NFT collection consisted of 47,000 tokens. Compared to the launch of his first series, the second series is 2,000 tokens bigger than the first. The mechanics of the Trump NFT cards had remained the same as when the first one was launched. It was released in the same Polygon network, and it has retained the same price tag. The last NFT collection was $99 per one, the same with the new launch. Donald Trump also mentioned that money was not the motivation for releasing the second series of his NFTs. In his Truth Social, he said, "I could have raised the price MUCH HIGHER, & I believe it still would have sold well, with a lot more money coming to me, but I didn’t choose to do so. I WILL BE GIVEN NO “NICE GUY” CREDIT?"
Donald Trump NFT Launch A Huge Success
While Donald Trump might not be feeling the effects of keeping the price of his NFTs stagnant, those who bought the first series are feeling the heat. According to data from CoinGecko, the value of the first series of the Trump NFTs has reduced. According to the data, the cheapest Trump NFT value went from 0.4 ETH to somewhere near 0.1 ETH. The first NFTs were an incredible success even during his arrest, and so was the second series. The first NFTs made Trump about $1 million. Information released by Trump shows he has earned an estimated $4.6 million from the second series.
"As of 10 minutes ago, my Digital Trading Cards SOLD OUT, in RECORD TIME, approximately $4.6 Million. A great honor, and I hope everyone is Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy. CONGRATULATIONS," Trump said in a post on Truth Social.
What's Donald Trump's Motive?
With Trump worth around $2. 5 billion by Forbes, it is clear that Donald Trump does not really need the millions he's made from NFTs to increase his net worth. From an expert point of view, it seems like the major reason Donald Trump is releasing NFTs from time to time is to keep up with his online presence.

The former president of the United States is clamoring for another presidential run in 2024. His constant social media presence is part of his plans to keep up with his fans. However, despite his ban being removed on Twitter, the former US president has refused to come back to the platform. His profile on Truth Social shows that Donald Trump still despises the platform. He has shared posts saying that Twitter is irredeemable.