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Tips for Saving Money Ahead of Christmas Shopping

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By Lami Adenekan - - 5 Mins Read
Santa Claus and a Christmas tree
Featured photo | Shutterstock

Christmas is around the corner, and a lot of people are gearing up for the festivities by saving up for the Christmas shopping. But let’s be real: saving up for the activities and expenses that will come with the festive season is not always the easiest thing. This is where planning comes into play, as it can help you and your loved one enjoy the magic of Christmas without breaking the bank.

Tips for Saving Money Ahead of Christmas Shopping

If you are finding it difficult planning accordingly, here’s a guide on what to do.

Start Early and Set a Budget

The idea behind enjoying a stress free holiday season is creating a Christmas budget. This financial plan helps you set realistic goals and ensure that you are making conscious purchases.

Here are tips that can help you track your expense and set goals:

  • Compare your last year’s expenses and plan based on the estimated cost. 
  • Use the 50/30/20 rule which states that keep 50% for necessities, 30% for discretionary spending, and 20% for saving.
  • Use budgeting apps for easy tracking.
  • Set aside a specific amount for gifts, decorations, and entertainment.

Christmas Magic Ideas on a Budget

Do you know that you don’t have to break the bank to create holiday magic? Yes! These Christmas magic ideas on a budget would help you cut out overspending:

  • Homemade decorations: Make a cozy atmosphere using DIY pieces, ornaments and centerpieces. 
  • DIY holiday activities: Instead of buying pastries, you can bake them and host a pastry party.
  • Free or low-cost entertainment:  Use your own entertainment and host game nights, movies nights and sleepovers. 
  • Gift ideas: Make personalized photo albums, cook a special meal, or offer to help with chores.

With a little creativity, you can create unforgettable holiday memories without sacrificing your financial stability.

Helpful Ways to Save Money

To make the most of your holiday budget, you will naturally have to cut down on certain expenses. This may have to do with reviewing your subscriptions, entertainment costs, and dining out. To do this, you can look up subscription services that you don’t use and cancel them. You can also look out for low cost means of entertainment in the period leading to Christmas.

Another way you can save money is by taking advantage of cash back apps and rewards programs. These apps offer rewards on purchases you make and most times give you additional rewards for using their apps. You can also take advantage of sales and discounts that are close to the festive period. Check out your local stores for their Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers and use them judiciously.

If you would be having family and friends around, then you can organize a Secret Santa. This would allow the cost of gifting by a bit and also help build up relationships.

Smart Shopping Strategies

To ensure that you maximize your Christmas savings, then you should use these shopping strategies:

  • Compare prices: Research items across stores and online marketplaces to ensure the best deal.
  • Use coupons and discount codes: Check retailer websites, email newsletters, and coupon apps.
  • Avoid impulse buys: Stick to your shopping list and budget.
  • Shop off-peak: Ensure you don’t go shopping during the holidays or weekends so you can get better deals.


By putting holiday plans in place, cutting unnecessary expenses and shopping smart, then you would enjoy a stress free holiday season. As long as you set and maintain a budget and track expenses then you would be able to create meaningful memories, rather than debt.
