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Quantum AI Applies Physics to Improve Human Performance in Crypto Trading

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By Ehimen Aimudogbe - - 5 Mins Read
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South Korean scientists are using quantum algorithms to gain new insights into how brains learn and apply information. They think they can leverage these insights to create excellent innovations in crypto trading.

Quantum computers are widely recognized as the future of tech that provides scientists and engineers with a new tool for exploring the universe more deeply. However, a recent study claims this technology could make humans smarter.

A team of South Korean scientists recently researched using a quantum computer to explore how humans retrieve and keep information. The groundbreaking study could generate new learning techniques that improve fields like science, mathematics, and finance.

What Quantum AI Is All About

Quantum computing exists in various forms, despite being part of a burgeoning industry. Companies like Google and IBM are developing “gate-based” quantum computers that work similarly to modern digital circuits.

Meanwhile, other teams like the referenced South Korean team used a D-Wave quantum annealing computer in their study. Quantum annealing concentrates on a specific class of problems termed "optimization," which makes them effective subsets of "gate-based" quantum computers with acclaimed prospects of ultimately performing any relevant computation.

The Research and Its Findings

The researchers observed the brainwaves of 100 students while they performed a series of cognitive tasks. Next, they compared the performances of the best-performing students against those with lower scores, based on information obtained before the study.

The experts analyzed the brainwaves using algorithms running on a D-Wave quantum annealing computer to draw their latest findings. According to the research, the study discovered new insights relating cognitive abilities to testing outcomes.

At the end of the research, the experts concluded that quantum annealing-based algorithms have immense potential to affect human performance. They further recommended that further studies employ the results in investigating factors behind cognitive performance.

What It Means for Quantum Trading of Crypto

The results from the brainwave analysis depict that the D-Wave quantum annealing computer performed excellently at analyzing data as a machine learning technique. Researchers claim this field of research effectively linked specific cognitive functions to higher test scores – a technology that could be leveraged to better understand how the human brain processes information.

With such a technique, researchers claim they can understand how to optimize these brain functions. Furthermore, they believe more research could develop new methods of improving humans' general cognitive ability. That way, they can create learning shortcuts that eventually improve outcomes for individuals working in industries that need to adjust to constantly changing information.

Crypto trading falls within such a category. The researchers also noted that the field required cognitive skills directly related to those examined in the said research. By creating an educational program that focuses on enhancing these functions, experts may be able to boost human performance in trading the virtual asset class. That way, education's true purpose becomes more apparent with a more focused learning process.

Final Thoughts

Quantum AI physicists from South Korea discovered a connection between quantum computing and the performance of the human brain. The researchers think further research can help improve human performance in fields like science, mathematics, and finance through focused educational programs that enhance specific cognitive abilities.
