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Heartwarming! NFT Artist Raises $140k to Support Cancer Patients

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By Augustine Mbam - - 5 Mins Read
Illustration of NFT donation
Photo | Shutterstock


Illustration of NFT donation
Photo | Shutterstock



Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a very part of the crypto industry and have been an avenue for making money. At its peak in 2021, it turned many NFT artists and traders into millionaires.


A well-known NFT artist recently organized a charity fundraiser for individuals who are battling various forms of cancer. The event was held in Edinburgh, Scotland, and managed to raise an impressive sum of $140,000 (equivalent to 114,000 British pounds).


The proceeds from this NFT charity event will go towards supporting the treatment of cancer patients.


The Backstory

Maggie’s Edinburgh is a free cancer treatment center, and they usually depend on charity and donations to get some of the things needed for the treatment of their patient. They recently received a gift from a prominent NFT artist who wanted to support their contributions to society. 


They received 114,000 pounds from Trevor Jones, a popular crypto artist from Scotland. This NFT artist previously raised this amount of money from an exhibition event. According to the details, Trevor Jones was able to raise this amount of money at a charity exhibition and auction at an annual Web3 Castle Party near Paris.


The new contribution from this NFT artist will go into the records. This was confirmed by Maggie’s Edinburgh, who said that the new NFT charity fundraising from Jones sets a new record for their cancer treatment center.


At present, this donation is the highest single donation from an art event recorded in the Edinburgh Center’s 27-year history. Nevertheless, this cancer treatment center is pleased about the support they are receiving from the NFT community.


According to them, they were able to get these donations because the NFT community was keen on helping the cancer patients in their center. Moreover, they have already announced that the new donation will help thousands of cancer patients within their care. 


Those Positively Impacted by this Donation 

The recent charity donation from Trevor Jones has significantly impacted Maggie’s Edinburgh cancer patients. According to the directors of the cancer facilities, the new donation will go a long way in helping many people.


Around 4,000 people are going to benefit from this new initiative. Note that cancer patients are the only ones benefiting from this new donation. Maggie’s Edinburgh says that locals affected by cancer will also receive part of the donation. 


A child under intensive health care
A child-cancer patient | National Cancer Institute


They have already released a new statement clarifying the whole situation. The latest donation will go to cancer patients and their families.


"The funds raised (from NFT artists) will make a huge difference and will go to support services for those affected by a cancer diagnosis — patients and their families. This is certainly a wonderful way to remember such a beloved artist, also taken by this disease," Maggie’s Edinburgh said. 


NFTs Going a Long Way in Charity Donations 

NFTs have been helping the world with many charitable events since they went mainstream in 2021. There have been cases where NFTs were used for charitable donations on many occasions.


There have been a lot of occurrences where NFTs were sold and used to support war victims. In other cases, those victims of natural disasters and even United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) initiatives are supported using NFTs.
